Duodenal Switch

I would like to share my personal post-op experiences, fact based knowledge and background regarding my surgery which is a combination of the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) and Duodenal Switch (DS), performed under 1 surgical procedure. It is medically known as a a gastric restriction with partial gastrectomy, pylorus-preserving duodenoileostomy and ileoileostomy to limit absorption. It is known by its formality as a bilio-pancreatic diversion with duodenal switch and abbreviated as BPD/DS or DS. A not so wordy way to say it is sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch or just the DS.

I had my laparoscopic duodenal switch procedure on Nov 14th, 2006 for the surgical medical treatment of morbid obesity that can kill you. I am still the same person within, only my outer shell has morph to what I once looked like before this disease imprisoned me. The most important thing that matters is, I have my health back and that means more to me than the actual weight loss.

What is your body if you are not healthy with your respiratory, circulatory, cardiac and digestive system working properly and have mobility to be able to do things on your own, independently with no limitations, no complications or becoming a fatality?

This is what bariatric surgery outcome has done for me, give me my health as well as my life back!

The Duodenal Switch (DS)

The DS procedure has been performed since 1988 and combines restrictive and malabsorptive elements to help achieve and maintain long-term weight loss:

1. by restricting the amount of food that can be eaten through a reduction in stomach size

2. limit the amount of food that is absorbed into the body through a rerouting of the intestines

3. have a metabolic effect induced by manipulating intestinal hormones as a result of intestinal rerouting

The overall effect is that DS patients are able to engage in fairly normal, free eating, while having the benefit of taking on the metabolism of a lean individual.

Friday, May 25, 2007

food intake

I wanted to write this since this is important to anyone reading this. I have all my life been conscious of my health and what I do. Prior to having bariatric surgery, there would be times I wasn't up to eating and didn't eat for the day. But once you become post-op, you cannot have that mentality or even let such action take into play. Having this surgery means you have to comply and take the daily regime serious. Sure you can miss a vitamin or supplement here and there. But when it comes to food intake, that is your life line and source to getting your nutrient to nourish your system and you HAVE TO get your protein in your body.

Not eating can cause your body to go into starvation mode and also cause certain organs to not function as it should. One being your brain and its cell as well as the blood supply that run through all your sytem from beating your heart to helping your organ do what it needs to supplying your brain via the spinal cord. Blood also has electrolytes and those electrolytes is what gives your heart that power to ignite and pump. If your electrolytes are low from not eating and nourish your body, you will get dizzy and even pass out. Headache is also contributing to poor or not eating as well as consumption of alcohol will deplete your nutrient intake. So what if you had all your vitamins and supplement, drank over 64 oz of water and taken your protein to what is needed. When you drink anything with liquor, you are depleting all you work for the day and it does dehydrate you as well. So think, before you take that drink with alcohol in it.

So, remember to eat if you are post-op and if you can't then find something that you can and make it smaller portion that you may eat throughout the day. I personally eat smaller meals and not the typical 3x a day meals. I have 4-6 x a day meals. I am not a snack person, but will have a yogurt or a banana or just drink milk with Unjury protein powder. I don't use a whole scoop in my milk. My taste buds have changed and I now can only add about 1/3 to 1/2 scoop into my glass of milk. I do use Unjury when I eat cereal. Again add 1/3 to 1/2 scoop. WIth bariatric surgery protein is prevalent. Just wanted to add this here to let other know, if you do experience like me to have bouts with no feeling up to eating anything at all. Just do what you must and do make sure you eat and DON'T skip a meal.