Duodenal Switch

I would like to share my personal post-op experiences, fact based knowledge and background regarding my surgery which is a combination of the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) and Duodenal Switch (DS), performed under 1 surgical procedure. It is medically known as a a gastric restriction with partial gastrectomy, pylorus-preserving duodenoileostomy and ileoileostomy to limit absorption. It is known by its formality as a bilio-pancreatic diversion with duodenal switch and abbreviated as BPD/DS or DS. A not so wordy way to say it is sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch or just the DS.

I had my laparoscopic duodenal switch procedure on Nov 14th, 2006 for the surgical medical treatment of morbid obesity that can kill you. I am still the same person within, only my outer shell has morph to what I once looked like before this disease imprisoned me. The most important thing that matters is, I have my health back and that means more to me than the actual weight loss.

What is your body if you are not healthy with your respiratory, circulatory, cardiac and digestive system working properly and have mobility to be able to do things on your own, independently with no limitations, no complications or becoming a fatality?

This is what bariatric surgery outcome has done for me, give me my health as well as my life back!

The Duodenal Switch (DS)

The DS procedure has been performed since 1988 and combines restrictive and malabsorptive elements to help achieve and maintain long-term weight loss:

1. by restricting the amount of food that can be eaten through a reduction in stomach size

2. limit the amount of food that is absorbed into the body through a rerouting of the intestines

3. have a metabolic effect induced by manipulating intestinal hormones as a result of intestinal rerouting

The overall effect is that DS patients are able to engage in fairly normal, free eating, while having the benefit of taking on the metabolism of a lean individual.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

almost 20 months out

Food Intolerance doesn't mean forever me with the DS

At being almost 20 months out, I am FINALLY able to drink some carbonated soda. I thought I would never be able to enjoy having a refreshing drink. Ok, I still am unable to deal with drinking any carbonated soda with caramel such as Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi. I am able to drink Diet Fanta Zero. I think this is considered a WOW moment. One of the beauty with having the DS is that your stomach does NOT stretch from the carbonation of soda. There is no such thing. You do have your real stomach that is intact. Only the bottom curvature of the stomach is removed. The upper portion of the stomach has been untouched. In addition, you have your plyoric valve that does make a huge impact to how food and liquid is process and the gases of the carbonated soda since it moves it along, not have it sit or hang out in your stomach. We have a stomach, not a stoma.

For those that don't about my journey, I went through hell with food intolerance from almost everything I ate. My food selection was extremely limited during my 1st year post-op, since almost everything I try to eat made me sick. It as not due or contributed to the DS. It was after surgery and my intestinal tracts taking a little longer than normal to heal. It actually took 12 months to recover anf function correctly, but NEVER had any complications. I was a very slow healer. After I was a year out, I continued to try to reintroduced food that was on my list that caused me severe negative symptoms from intolerance and am now able to eat it with no negative effect whatsoever.

One of these intolerance I had was to carbonated drinks that cause horrible cramps and pain in my belly. Not anymore. Although, I have tried out some Diet Pepsi, still have cramps from it. Tried out Diet Coke same thing. It must be the caramel, I am sure. I drank Fanta Zero and wow, no cramps, pain or feeling awful. So, I guess this orange drink is a choice for me and don't even have to let it get flat. Just pour it or right out of the can when I open it. FIZZZZZZ. Yup, I can drink it with all the sizzle and bubbles it has.

Fanta Zero has zero calories, zero carbs and even zero caffeine. The caffeine being zero is what interest me to buy it and taste test it. I know we are all different when it comes to intolerance and other issues, but hell, this is a huge thing to me because it tells me that having the DS you are able to eat and drink almost anything. Just need to have patience and give it some time, like me it took almost 20 months. It's all good....