Duodenal Switch

I would like to share my personal post-op experiences, fact based knowledge and background regarding my surgery which is a combination of the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) and Duodenal Switch (DS), performed under 1 surgical procedure. It is medically known as a a gastric restriction with partial gastrectomy, pylorus-preserving duodenoileostomy and ileoileostomy to limit absorption. It is known by its formality as a bilio-pancreatic diversion with duodenal switch and abbreviated as BPD/DS or DS. A not so wordy way to say it is sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch or just the DS.

I had my laparoscopic duodenal switch procedure on Nov 14th, 2006 for the surgical medical treatment of morbid obesity that can kill you. I am still the same person within, only my outer shell has morph to what I once looked like before this disease imprisoned me. The most important thing that matters is, I have my health back and that means more to me than the actual weight loss.

What is your body if you are not healthy with your respiratory, circulatory, cardiac and digestive system working properly and have mobility to be able to do things on your own, independently with no limitations, no complications or becoming a fatality?

This is what bariatric surgery outcome has done for me, give me my health as well as my life back!

The Duodenal Switch (DS)

The DS procedure has been performed since 1988 and combines restrictive and malabsorptive elements to help achieve and maintain long-term weight loss:

1. by restricting the amount of food that can be eaten through a reduction in stomach size

2. limit the amount of food that is absorbed into the body through a rerouting of the intestines

3. have a metabolic effect induced by manipulating intestinal hormones as a result of intestinal rerouting

The overall effect is that DS patients are able to engage in fairly normal, free eating, while having the benefit of taking on the metabolism of a lean individual.

Friday, December 22, 2006

posting pics

As I said before, I have issues posting pics or even information about myself on such a public and open forum that anyone off the streets can stalk or prey upon. Reality is, there are a lot of perverts and mentally unstable people out there. They give a persona to others that they are nice, cool folks and all about support, but you don't know who is who behind the screen, that includes members of OH and some can be said are well known and even regulars that post to this site daily. Some members can be sincere. But, there are those, I don't know what to say about them and won't, except, anything you put on such an open forum can have you preyed or stalked by looking at your pics and what info you say about yourself.

I am very selective with whom I meet as friends IN PERSON for I am old fashion and poised with my ways. I will avoid those that are into drama or be involved with people who are instigators, shit stirrers, play mind games, have sexual innuendos, warped minds, those that I am doubtful about their actual state and frame of mind or act in such a way with what I consider inappropriate, lewd or uncomfortable behavior towards me. ONLINE is ok, since it is out in the open, anyone can join in and it is just joking around and NOT to be taken seriously. But, privately, off the board or in person, don't need that carried or placed upon me. If you do, I will shut you down FAST.

Frankly, I will not meet such person in person or be sucked into any games, especially those that I see have ulterior motives, are known to attack, flame or pick on anyone whether in person or online. i am not into drama and avoid it. I like to joke around online (depends who you are and if I know you to allow you into my circle of trust), but IN PERSON, I am very serious and don't frolic that it is sexual or goes beyond what you think. The way I joke online doesn't get further than that and will not allow to take it to the REAL world of my life or to communicate privately. I have on this site a few very close friends and the rest are just distance acquaintances. So, I am careful about who I associate with on here.

Why do I say all this? Because a long time ago, a certain not so nice event happened without me even knowing. Now, I am guarded with things I post about myself, about my life and who I interact with. On my profile, I will keep it focus to weight loss surgery, the experience from it and nothing else. NOT about my life, friends, loved ones, significant other or family. I removed my surgeon's name to respect my privacy. But, those that are my friends here and interact with me regarding my surgery know who my surgeon is and he is a wonderful, highly respected, one of the top notch surgeons with great knowledge in the bariatric field.

I am 1 month out of surgery and 32 lbs is gone from me. I am just happy I am able to move on and have my health back after suffering for so long. For those denied surgery for whatever reasons, don't lose hope. It just means your time isn't right now and meant for a later date, even if you have been waiting for years. Time will come, just have faith and never give up. PROTEIN, LIQUIDS & SUPPLEMENTS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!